Terms and Conditions


1. General Terms of Use

1.1. Please read what is written to you for this use. This is our

beneficiaries of services or providing services in any way

it is considered real and raised by its owner. agree with this

that you cannot fulfill

please, please stop using this Site and/or Application.

1.2. These useful services are at the address of Kuyumcular Caddesi No: 2 Fatih Istanbul.

resident Aytaç Gerçek Zoma Technology Company (hereinafter referred to as “Exdibo”)

by. This Exdibo Term of Use applies to Exdibo’s smart mobile device.

For Exdibo app (“app”) for Exdibo via (mobile phone, tablet etc.),

www.exdibo.com internet created with exclusive features for members (“Members”)

Applicable Application of the website (“Site”) and/or Exdibo Mobile Mobile Application (“Application”)

prepared for. In order to give you the best service, Exdibo

the site/application is being transformed and updated. This resource is from Exdibo, here

The times, forms and places in use, in the field/application they wish

temporary news replacement, permanently stopping the site/app

owner. Members can benefit from this status and participation and current offers and campaigns.

acknowledges that it may precede training while in use. It
organized, will be regularly “published” and members of the members
In the first use of the site / application, the meaning of the member may become. use that Information about the member member/site campaign on the member channel’s channel
Will be able to accept for use.
2. Definitions
2.1. Site/Application: By Exdibo in a wide variety and
It is the database that is the arrangement of the decor when the events are presented (on-line). 2.2. “Exdibo service optional smart mobile shopping this site/application”
(mobile phone, tablet, etc.) by installing it is a natural and legal person. (In this contract
will be referred to as members.)

2.3. User Agreement: From the services that offer the site / application

Exdibo electronic design contracted with the real and/or person who will benefit

this is the contract.

2.4 Workplace: Exdibo school schools, education, service sectors etc 3.

are sole proprietorships.

2.5. Personal Data: Processed in accordance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 of the “MEMBER”

ID, address, e-mail address, phone, IP address, which site/application sections, domain type, browser type, visit date, time, etc.

2.6.Database: It is stored from the sections accessed within the site/application, the classification is defined,

Intellectual and Artistic Works No. 5846 belonging to “Exdibo” where you can query and access It is a protected database.
3. Site/Application Terms
3.1. With this site/app, members can learn and buy current Exdibo events from where

You can choose and take advantage of exdibo’s member businesses, services, opportunities and campaigns.

Available, can be used to benefit from Exdi, you can take advantage of discounts in businesses. Making application purchases from Application Membership packages.
3.2. To benefit from using this site, the site / application is to serve you.
You must use your e-mail address or GSM Number. membership

is part of the protection system. Your membership or express acceptance

when it is accepted and those who write the approval steps here accept in use

you suggested.

3.3. Redirects/apply this site for guidance on this site

services are offered from a new system, a comprehensive service consisting of the above- mentioned features.

It is under the authority of Exdibo. Exdibo’s authority
reserves the right to use it unilaterally, without being anywhere amount.
3.4. The division of labor with the member consists of all elements.

any use or consequence of Exdibo, the Business’s agent, agent,

It is not a broker, agent, customer, marketer, dealer, representative, etc. With Exdibo, Member

As a result of the business relationship, a reputable claim, damage and other

cannot be held responsible for it. This type of user, accessible through the site/application,

Presentations of workplaces in their sales/service buildings and/or websites, and

Exdibo does not make any warranties (guarantee) regarding the offers for the services.

knows and accepts that it does not carry scanning).

3.5. Use of this Site/Application, or any

party’s use of this Site/Application

failure to use or trust in the content of the Site/Application, or any

performance failure, error, negligence in Site/Application operation or transmission of information,

interruption, defect, delay or malfunction, virus or associated with line or system failure
direct or indirect, special, incidental or incidental damage,
loss or expense, including but not limited to
Under no circumstances shall Exdibo or its representatives be liable for such damage, loss or will not be held liable even if it has been reported that costs may occur; other internet hyperlinks with sources are at your own risk; Exdibo, these resources

its content and accuracy, the opinions expressed in these sources and other

is not obliged to research, verify, monitor or approve links. It

The Disclaimer of Liability clause will be applied to the maximum extent permitted by law.

3.5. Exdibo states that the content on this site / application will meet the needs of the member.

does not make any commitments.

3.6. Exdibo cannot be held responsible for any damages arising from the use of this site/application.

4. Member Responsibilities

4.1. Data access is open in order to benefit from the services offered through the Site/Application.

You must have a smart mobile device (mobile phone, tablet, etc.) and you can use this application to these devices.

you need to install.

4.2. It is the responsibility of the Member to keep the username and password. membership account

All responsibility of the transactions made on the website belongs to the Member. Username and password are incorrect,

Exdibo assumes no liability for illegal or unauthorized use.

The Member who caused it is responsible for the damages to be incurred by Exdibo and 3rd parties.

4.3. All information provided by the member while subscribing or using the Site/Application is correct, complete.

and is responsible for keeping it up to date. Any information provided during membership establishment

In case of any change, the said information should be immediately updated by the member. Members,

Any information transmitted to the Site / Application or sent through this Site / Application

its reliability, accuracy, not misleading, not violating the rights of third parties,

accepts and declares that it is not against the law and that it is presented in good faith. Member

It is determined that the information conveyed by us is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date, or that such

Even in the presence of doubt, this constitutes a violation of these terms of use. Such

In such a case, the member’s access to the site/application may be restricted or completely blocked.

In addition, in such a case, Exdibo may be referred to any judicial, administrative and penal authority against the member.

has the right to apply. Operation on the site/application for lawful purposes only

can do. The legal and criminal penalties in every transaction and action that the members make within the site/application.

responsibility belongs to them.

4.4. Member, membership account created within the scope of the Site / Application and the site / application

cannot transfer its membership rights to another third party. Members
Giving the smart device on which the Site/Application is installed to someone else, uploading/sharing to more than one device, loss of device, damage, loss and loss any third party other than the Member, to the membership information in case of

In case of access and use in any way, all kinds of responsibility together with all the consequences.

It belongs to the member.

4.5. MEMBER, while using this site / application, within the scope of the site / application Turkish Commercial Code

will not engage in activities that will lead to unfair competition in accordance with the provisions of Exdibo and

will damage the personal and commercial reputation of third parties, violate and attack personal rights

accepts and undertakes that he will not carry out the acts. Member, Site/Application

While using this Agreement, its annexes, applicable legislation and the Program, Site/Application

in accordance with the other terms and conditions stipulated by Exdibo or Member Merchants. obliged to act.

4.6. The Member shall ensure that the information, content, correspondence and announcements uploaded by him to the Application are correct.

and that it is legal, defamation, defamation, defamatory statement, insult, slander, threat

that this information and content will not be illegal or immoral, such as harassment or harassment.

accepts and undertakes that it will not cause any violation of rights. The member also mentions Virus, spyware, malware, trojan horse, etc. harmful materials
that the Site/Application will not be used for purposes such as data mining.

4.7. The Site/Application, the contents of the Workplaces for promotional and convenience purposes, third party

Content and links to other websites that are completely independent from the Site/Application may contain. Exdibo has no commitment or responsibility for this information and content. not available. Exdibo and/or these content owners, without notice the content and conditions. reserves the right to change. Member, b

declares that he already knows and accepts this situation.
4.8. Other websites, including member, workplace websites, and third party websites If he uses his information, he accepts responsibility for all his transactions. Member,

When he clicks on another existing website within the site/application, he/she leaves the site/application.

automatically exits and the personal etc. information entered on the other site to which it is connected

subject to terms of use. Exdibo from other websites or linked sites

the accuracy and reliability of the transmitted information or other linked websites.

does not undertake and does not take any legal responsibility.

4.9. Entering this site/application means that the Site/Application or the information therein and other

data, or the upper and lower sites / links, offers, benefits, belonging to the workplaces or third parties,

violation of the terms of use and membership agreement due to the use of advantages, etc., directly and/or indirectly arising from tortious acts or other reasons.
damages, material and/or moral damages and third parties
Exdibo cannot be held responsible for damages.

5. Intellectual Property Rights
5.1. Property rights and all rights and interests in this site/application and this

The owner of the content on the site / application is Exdibo and all rights are reserved. Exdibo, this

license, republish, distribute, copy,

assign, sublicense, transfer, sell, prepare derivative works or other personal

Members are not granted any rights for non-usage. of any content

any part of it may be reproduced in any form, electronic or mechanical

cannot be included in the information retrieval system.

5.2. Member, all kinds of pictures, texts, visual and audio images within the content,

will not reproduce or copy files, databases, catalogs and lists,

accepts and undertakes that it will not distribute or process it. Regarding the member site/application

the browser and its contents cannot be changed in any way. without the express permission of Exdibo

cannot link to the site/application or to the site/application.
5.3. In order to obtain the content accessed and / or viewed through the site / application

No intensive information withdrawal, reverse engineering, modification by the member

is prohibited. Regarding those who do not comply with this ban, T.C.K. Art. to the information system in 243

initiating criminal proceedings against them assuming that they have made unauthorized entry

will be provided.

5.4. Site/Application design, including but not limited to images, html code

provided, all content, Exdibo brand and logo will be transferred to Aytaç Real Zoma Technology Company.

belongs. Users are subject to the intellectual property rights of Aytaç Gerçek Zoma Technology Company.

cannot use, share, distribute, exhibit, reproduce,

cannot do derivative works.

6. Protection of Personal Data

6.1. Exdibo, within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“KVKK”),

With the conclusion of the contract and acceptance of the terms of use, the data and data provided by the Members

personal data in the database, the Member’s use of the Site/Application, shopping, visit information (including but not limited to the duration of the visit, time, pages viewed)

converting it into statistical information, advertising and advertising if consent is obtained from the members in this context.

to use in the field of marketing, to inform about new campaigns and activities,

To determine the general tendencies of the members, to enrich the content and services of the Site / Application

uses for. Members’ data will be used to manage this process in case of approval.

It can be shared with Exdibo’s business partners and group companies. Within the scope of KVKK

Members will be able to get information from the Exdibo Illumination Text regarding your rights. 6.2. If Approval is given by the Members at the Membership stage,

On the terms regulated in accordance with the Law on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce (“ETK”)

Electronic messages can be sent, as well as user options according to the request of the Member.

can be changed. In terms of messages sent to the Member, the Member can always be reached.

The right of refusal will be provided by these methods, and when a message containing a campaign is sent, this

Terms and Conditions of the Campaign will be included in the Site/Application.

7. Expiration

7.1. Member, at any time without any restrictions and notification

may terminate his membership. In this case, the site / application by the member Exdibo

the site/application to the member, as it may continue to receive public messages sent via

It is recommended to uninstall it from your smart device. Member’s behavior contrary to these terms of use

including the detection or suspicion of the presence of

In case of violation of the terms or policies herein, the member may terminate his membership.

7.2. Apart from these, the Member does not have the right to use due to legal restrictions,

legal regulations or

the possibility of accessing the site / application depending on any reason.

disappearance or suspension of the site / application depending on the decision of Exdibo,

suspension, termination or similar reasons, without any notice.

can cancel the membership, prevent or terminate the use. Member, Member’s own request

from Exdibo in the event that it ends with the decision of Exdibo and/or due to legal obligation.

accepts that it will not have any right to claim.

8. Applicable Law and Authority

in the implementation and interpretation of the User Agreement and within the scope of this Agreement.

Turkish Law in disputes that may arise in the management of legal relations arising will be applied. In case of any dispute arising or to arise due to this contract, Istanbul Central (Çağlayan) Court and Enforcement Offices are authorized.

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